Saturday, September 6, 2008

quick and easy plum crumble

on a recent costco trip i bought a giant container of plums. husband and i ate one each almost everyday for a week and we still had plums. i got sick of my plum-a-day routine and let them sit and ripen. ripen they did until they were really no longer fit to eat plain. not in the mood to waste perfectly good, sweet plums, i searched online for a dessert that could be made in a short time frame without a lot of additional ingredients. i found a pretty good one at the southern food area within

basic ingredients, prepped crumble

i actually had less plums than what this recipe called for, so i adjusted my amounts and used a smaller dish. below is the original recipe.

plum crumble
about 5 c plums, pitted and quartered
1/4 c brown sugar
1 c flour
1 c sugar 
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 egg, beaten
1/2 c butter, melted

1. combine plums and brown sugar, stirring well
2. pour into a greased 11x7 baking dish
3. sift together the flour, sugar, salt  and cinnamon
4. add beaten egg and stir lightly until crumbly
5. sprinkle mixture over plums and drizzle with melted butter
6. bake at 375 F for 40 minutes or until lightly browned

this was pretty good - the plums were super juicy and sweet. i didn't think the topping was overly "crumbly", more like dough but in smaller quantity than dumplings.  i used even less sugar in the topping than my almost halved recipe called for and that may have contributed to the dough-like texture, but it didn't really matter because it tasted fine. 

husband has since tried to put plums in the cart on 2 separate shopping trips in hopes that i'm still off plums and these will "sadly" ripen before we eat them...just so i can make this again. apparently he really enjoyed it. i have to agree that it was a nice change from the traditional berry or rhubarb crisp/crumble i so often have. and just in case you're wondering, it is good for breakfast. ;)


Thomas said...

I can't imagine more delicious breakfast food!