Wednesday, June 2, 2010

30 days of creativity

i came across this website announcing a challenge for 30 days of creativity during the month of june. i decided i could commit to that (baby and all) and am going to try and blog at the end of each week with pictures of the things i made.

i've already gotten started (since yesterday was june 1) and have got ideas ready for the next few days. i'm not participating for real, i guess, because i abhor twitter. i don't write @anyone and using the #hashtagwhateveritis bugs the hashtag right out of me. but, i'll share here and maybe inspire someone else to be creative in their daily life. feel free to join in!

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally doing the same thing! We should make sure to have craft time when I visit :D I figured I needed to do something other than write this year, so I decided to go back to art: drawing and painting probably. But anything design-y helps, right?
